
  1. Promotion and dissemination of the scientific work carried out in the HHG Group.
  2. Training HHG staff in the latest medical practices.
  3. Coordination and achievement of uniformity of scientific events and actions of the HHG Group.
  4. Training of a single training program for scientific staff.
  5. Coordination of unified group activities in the region.
  6. Participation of the Group's medical staff in scientific conferences and events.
  7. Optimal cooperation with educational institutions and medical schools in Greece and abroad.
  8. Creation of a scientific electronic library of the important work of the HHG Group doctors.


The mission of the HEAL Academy is to promote and transmit the scientific knowledge, the specialized experience, the innovative medical achievements and the modern practices applied by the doctors and staff of the HHG Group's Hospitals and Diagnostic Centers to every health professional.